Call for application 1 pre-doctoral fellowship (3 years) in Rural archaeology
Deadline 23/11/2023 12:00 noon Rome time
Doctoral Course: Security, Risk and Vulnerability
Curriculum: Risk, climate change and sustainable development
Research Topic: The sustainability in the past: rural archaeology for the study of the
practices of social occupation of the space and their seasonality inside and outside settlements
The theme of dwelling and homing in different places and contexts is at the center of the reflection of the social and human sciences, also in relation to the strong push towards mobility of today’s society and planetary migrations. The historical perspective on how people moved and interacted with different spaces shows that the concept of home is very diverse in different contexts and often linked to multiple places rather than just one. In the framework of the KORE research project, devoted to the homing practices and their seasonality, the PhD project aims to understand the relationships between seasonal settlements, permanents ones and the practices to manage environmental resources between 16th and 21st c., through case studies in the European Mountain. The proposal is to investigate, through archaeological methods, the social and relational dimension of practices, connecting the seasonality of rural and pastoral practices with life cycles and the homing practices.
The intention is to reflect, proceeding from the home to the external spaces and back, on what in the micro-historical analysis has been defined as the „social construction of space“. Starting from the study of seasonal settlements as spaces of social interaction and practices, the research will focus on one or more of the following topics: to test the historical reliability of categories such as „seasonal“ or „permanent“ (perhaps a lens with which today we read a way of living that we no longer understand); to decipher the historical complexity of the concept of sustainability, related not only to economic and environmental dimensions, but also, and inextricably correlated, to social ones; to study the changes in the relationships between seasonal, permanent settlements and spaces through time, with the aim to understand how the way to appropriate and construct the social space; to decipher how the role of environmental resources management practices in the social life of local collectivities changed through time, and the environmental and social effects of their changes or disappearing.
Further details available here:
Funding: grant funded in the framework of the project “KORE – Archaeology of dwelling: material evidence and seasonality of homing practices between settlements, spaces and resources in European uplands (16th-21st c. AD)” (FARE 2022 – CUP n. D33C21000240001). The gross annual amount of the scholarship is € 16.500 including social security contributions charged to the scholarship recipient.